
random thoughts from a member of the yuppie technocrati

Monday, May 24, 2004

suprise! fire drill 

Thank god for the fire drill in the middle of a meeting i was woefully underprepared for. I have a little more direction now also for when we reschedule the meeting.

Not so excited about the rescheduled meeting - and the data testing is so pissing me off. I have control issues about it for sure. Obviously all the signs are that things are not going to happen on time and it's just going to be a huge pain in my ass.

I had sooooo much fun last night at my new place. Oh man it is awesome. Anyways... it totally made me want to have some drinks and make out with a boy on one of the couches on the deck. not that i have anyone in particular in mind at all. no way... anyways.

I need a vacation. Yay for memorial day. paid holidays are super cool.

listening to: +/- - you are here

Friday, May 21, 2004

yo mamma - ooh boy it's payday - and i have bills to pay 

righty - o - lets see some tits

whoo hoo it's friday. and i got shit to do - look it's almost like technocrati wierdness it's like my peer group or something. i wonder if that's really how the word is supposed to be. cuz i just sort of made it up when i was creating this blog.

Death Cab!!! rocks the witch. I probably will not have time today but i'm totally going to ikea tomorrow.

Clubbing was fun. I want to go out dancing more. Especially now that my exam is over thank god and i'll be closer.

listening to: yo la tengo - i can hear the heart beat as one

Thursday, May 20, 2004

data is life, life is data 

yay! finally got access to the new database and it may be slightly better than i was anticipating. that's not exactly saying much though - i had no reason to be optimistic at all about this project's success.

i live in LA therefore traffic is a big deal - traffic in the LA area is like weather in the midwest - an endless topic of conversation, a huge pain in the ass often. intriguing article about traffic in salon but unfortunately it's hard to see how this would work in LA. most of the driving people do (at least that I do) is on freeways. very thought-provoking if initially counterintuitive.

and then philosophy. i particularly enjoyed the articles on nihilism and dewey as a proponent of pragmitism.

i saw the beginning of Adaptation last night - i will definitely have to catch the whole movie at some point. i thought it was hilarious when one of the Nicolas Cage characters was talking about how he didn't want to "hollywoodize" the book he was adapting like turn the orchids into poppy's and make it about drug smuggling. i was having a hard time thinking of what exactly i find funny because there is a lot of typical humor that i just don't find funny. like monty python and that style of british humor. i think that shit is as boring as a conservative christian youth group. except less interactive or reactive. but then some british humor i find incredibly funny.

listening to: the decemberists - castaways and cutouts

Monday, May 17, 2004

ack - new blogger interface - it's all shiny and different 

back to work - the whole exam thing really puts a wrinkle in my normal routine. It was super wierd not to go to work for 3 days. This weekend was pretty nuts too with so many people around. It was very nice to see all those kids - Jeanette, Tuc, Mauricio, Zack, China (i feel like i never see her) Andy, Noel, Dann.

I'm excited about Death Cab friday! and moving into my awesome new house! I'm so ready to live somewhere closer to exciting things like LA and friends. Moving is a pain but it also shakes things up which necessary every so often. Hopefully I'll be able to edit some of my stuff and organize better. I'm also planning a trip to IKEA for some new stuff like a new mattress for my futon and other random furniture/lights/etc. to make it super cool and organized.

Summer rocks the witch - and i am planning to have ridiculous amounts of fun this summer. It's a lot easier to not get all introspective and serious when it's sunny and hot and you're having barbecues and keggers. KEG! HOTTUB!!!!! Fun people visiting like my bro and my friend Anna from middle school.

And my roommate isn't moving to NY - yay. She's cool - and not from tech! And she's going to get free tickets to shows.

Damn sometimes being an adult is such a pain. I needed to go grocery shopping for a few days - i finally went last night so there was nothing much to eat. I've been unusually hungry the past couple days (that time of the month) so it sucked - i ended up making this tuna noodle thing that was actually really good.

Mostly Gilmore Girls was awesome last night Yay Luke and Lorelei getting together!!! except for the whole Rory Dean sex thing. Ewww. I officially think Rory is emotionally retarded. I think she probably really annoys me because the way she avoids conflict and doesn't deal with her issues reminds me too much of myself or my mother. Not even being able to be honest with herself about what she wants annoys me too. Also I wanted her to have sex with Jess. They had so much more chemistry - the way the writers handled that pissed me off because there could have been some really interesting storylines that could have made Rory a much more self-aware person. Yay psychoanalysing and getting emotionally invested in a WB show!

Funny picture - these are Calvin toilets - picture is from Rolling Stone!!

listening to: mum - yesterday was dramatic - today is ok

Monday, May 03, 2004

this is going to hurt - this is going to feel good 

Coachella, Damn.... overwhelming/awesome/HOT.

Saturday was more of an ordeal - driving, sunblock in the eyes, not so many bands i wanted to see. Death cab were awesome but played exclusively stuff from Transatlanticism and The Photo Album except for Photobooth. It was cool to see the Transatlanticism stuff live but i would have liked some older stuff too - i liked the janitor outfits and Chris Walla being excited about Kraftwerk - The Rapture totally kicked ass too. Dancey and fun! Definitely great to see live. I was impressed by Electric Six too - they were totally rock and roll.

Sunday blew my mind. One awesome show after another. Broken Social Scene were totally chill - one of them proposed to his girlfriend on stage which was very cute - even though i'm not generally into that sort of thing - as long as no one proposes to me onstage i can deal.

Oh my god - Atmosphere was *hot* - I can totally see why so many girls want to get in his pants. So fucked up, horny, angry, amusing. It was so hot out that the records kept skipping and they threw them into the crowd. The mental picture of Slug walking around the festival thinking about going back to his hotel and masturbating fiercely was priceless. Also how badass is it that he liked Broken Social Scene and rapped about Elliot Smith!

Sage Francis was awesome as well - i loved the druid costume but it was too bad he didn't have a dj - that would have really been nice.

Belle and Sebastian - super chill and nice, polite, quiet - i half-napped.

Prefuse 73 - bad ass and people were totally grooving to it - including a cute couple who were getting their freak on - there were old people there too which blew my mind (hopefully i will be as hip when i'm 50)

Bassment Jaxx - I had the absolute most fun at Bassment Jaxx - i expected it to be cool but I was so into it - totally blown away and dancing like a freak the whole set. Gorrillaz! Big black women soul singers, bondage, mind blowing video show.

I felt very in the know that I could totally identify most of the between set music. Not that it was super obscure but they mixed it up a fair amount. Lots of Def Jux. I do love the indie hip hop - go backpack rappers!

All and all a totally overwhelming experience. now i am going to go home, study and sleep like i was in high school again.

listening to: why? oaklandazulasylum

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