
random thoughts from a member of the yuppie technocrati

Thursday, May 20, 2004

data is life, life is data 

yay! finally got access to the new database and it may be slightly better than i was anticipating. that's not exactly saying much though - i had no reason to be optimistic at all about this project's success.

i live in LA therefore traffic is a big deal - traffic in the LA area is like weather in the midwest - an endless topic of conversation, a huge pain in the ass often. intriguing article about traffic in salon but unfortunately it's hard to see how this would work in LA. most of the driving people do (at least that I do) is on freeways. very thought-provoking if initially counterintuitive.

and then philosophy. i particularly enjoyed the articles on nihilism and dewey as a proponent of pragmitism.

i saw the beginning of Adaptation last night - i will definitely have to catch the whole movie at some point. i thought it was hilarious when one of the Nicolas Cage characters was talking about how he didn't want to "hollywoodize" the book he was adapting like turn the orchids into poppy's and make it about drug smuggling. i was having a hard time thinking of what exactly i find funny because there is a lot of typical humor that i just don't find funny. like monty python and that style of british humor. i think that shit is as boring as a conservative christian youth group. except less interactive or reactive. but then some british humor i find incredibly funny.

listening to: the decemberists - castaways and cutouts
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